L. V. Alekseeva
The Problems of Attribution in Researches on Fyodor Dostoevsky (Suggested Solutions Overview)
Abstract The article presents a brief overview of existing researches dedicated to the problem of authorship, that is one of the major focuses of text studies, namely the attribution of anonymous and pseudonymous articles published in "The Time" and "The Epoch" magazines and in the weekly journal "Grazhdanin" ("The Citizen"). The issue of their attribution to F. M. Dostoevsky has been occupying the minds of the researches since the beginning of the 20th century and is still unsolved despite the fact that so much has been done in this domain, methods of text attribution have been elaborated and some attempts at establishing the authorship of articles were a success. By publishing this overview, the editorial board starts discussion on the problems of magazine and newspaper articles attribution whose authorship is ascribed or should be ascribed to Dostoevsky. Keywords F. M. Dostoevsky, attribution, textual criticism, anonymous author, pseudonym, «Vremya» (The “Time”), “Epokha” (The “Era”), «Grazhdanin» Views: 7039; Downloads: 101;
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V. A. Viktorovich
Dostoevsky. The Collective. "Grazhdanin" as a Creative Work of the Editor
Abstract F. М. Dostoevsky as an editor of the weekly journal "Grazhdanin" (January 1873 – April 1874) actively interfered with the texts of his employees. Two articles of V. F. Putsykovich are studied – about an overnight shelter and journalistic ethics – published in the issue of September, 3 1873, and an attempt to reveal the dimension of F.M. Dostoevsky’s participation in them is made. Keywords F. M. Dostoevsky, editor, weekly journal "Grazhdanin", charity, criticism, anti-criticism, attribution problems Views: 3945; Downloads: 97;
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Preparation of the text - V. A. Viktorovich Views: 22; Downloads: 101;
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V. S. Razd"yakonov
An Unknown Letter of Anna Dostoevskaya to Nicolai Wagner
Abstract This article carries on a theme touched upon in the second issue of the journal “The Unknown Dostoevsky” about relationship between Nikolai P. Wagner and Anna and Fyodor Dostoevsky. After the writer’s death N. P.Wagner asked the widow to permit spiritualists to raise a ghost of the deceased F. M. Dostoevsky. This request triggered a severe reaction of Anna Dostoevskaya provoking a psychological disorder. The letter of A. G. Dostoevskaya to N. P. Wagner of February 25,1881, published for the first time, reveals the details of an episode of Anna Dostoevskaya’s life that referred to the activities of the Russian association of spiritualists and was described by A. G. Dostoevskaya in her memoirs. This publication focuses on the peculiarities of perception of the spiritualist association and practice by Dostoevskaya and Wagner; discloses the conception of "family" in the spiritualist teaching and its meaning for a correct interpretation of the given episode in the relations between A. Dostoevskaya and N. Wagner. Keywords Anna Dostoevskaya, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nicolai Wagner, spiritualism, family Views: 3557; Downloads: 60;
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A. V. Indzinskaya
"All Sincerely yours and with on crutches, E. Shtakenshneyder": E. A. Shtakenshneyder's correspondence with A. G. Dostoevskaya
Abstract Elena Andreevna Shtakenshneyder (1836—1897), a hostess of the Literary and Art Salon in Saint Petersburg in the 1870s and early 1880s, kept a diary most of her life and exchanged letters with many famous contemporaries, for example with the Dostoevsky spouses. Friendship between E. A. Shtakenshneyder and the Dostoevsky family was witnessed in her diaries, reminiscences and fourteen letters, among which are those of F. M. Dostoevsky to E. A. Shtakenshneyder (2), E. A. Shtakenshneyder to F. M. Dostoevsky (3), E. A. Shtakenshneyder to A. G. Dostoevskaya (8), A. G. Dostoevskaya to E. A. Shtakenshneyder (1). The correspondence between Е. А. Shtakenshneyder and А. G. Dostoevskaya shows them not only as significant persons for F. M. Dostoevsky but as great workers in maintenance of Russian cultural heritage. Fragments of three letters of Е. А. Shtakenshneyder to А. G. Dostoevskaya were published in "The Literary Heritage", Vol.86 (Moscow, 1973). But their complete correspondence is published for the first time. Keywords E. A. Shtakenshneyder, A. G. Dostoevskaya, F. M. Dostoevsky, correspondence, Russian archives Views: 3743; Downloads: 73;
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Preparation of the text and notes - A. V. Indzinskaya, V. A. Viktorovich |
S. A. Kibalnik
"An Episode with Modern Positivists" in Dostoevsky's Novel "The Idiot" (of additions to the comment)
Abstract The chapters VII–Х of the second part of Dostoevsky’s novel "The Idiot" are usually considered in the context of the writer’s disagreement with the ideas of positivism. Whereas they are primarily directed against philosophic anarchism: actually against "social anarchism" by Pierre-joseph Proudhon and implicitly against "individualistic anarchism" by Max Stirner. In that regard the facts of Stirner’s biography are cryptographically depicted in the story of Ganya Ivolgin about Antip Burdovsky’s father’s destiny. In the novel "The Idiot" the motives of anarchism manifest themselves rather than philosophic positivism in relation to Burdovsky and Co. Intertextuality in these chapters appears not only by means of allusions to the ideas of European and Russian anarchism, contained in the statements of certain characters, but also through the details of the origins of one of them In such a way internal ties of characters of "The Idiot", defined by Lebedev as "some consequence of nihilism", are asserted with the ideas of anarchism rather than with those of positivism. Keywords Dostoevsky, novel "The Idiot", positivism, anarchism, individualism, hero, prototype, intertext, dispute, cryptography Views: 3911; Downloads: 63;
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