V. N. Zakharov
On the Status of Editorials in Dostoevsky’s Periodicals
Abstract Lots of anonymous articles were published in the periodicals edited by Dostoevsky in the 1860s–1870s. Traditional methods of their attribution often turn out to be ineffective. As a rule, discussing this issue researchers try to decide definitely who one or another article belongs to, but they do not take into consideration a specific character and practical aspects of journalistic and editorial work of those times, prerequisites and conditions of publication of articles, their genre singularity. Almost all the anonymous articles in these periodicals were editorial, written by editors or employees and authors under a commission of the editor in chief. Sometimes the editors office bought someone else’s text and revised it. The given articles manifested the journal’s policy, put into force ideas and instructions of the editor in chief. The authorship of the articles
did not matter. The author was deprived of his rights for the article, which became the journal’s property. Thus, it is advisable to consider the editorials as a particular genre meant to formulate the journal’s policy, bring its program into effect, and implement the editor’s instructions. Their attribution is possible but not necessary. Among the anonymous articles in the journals "Vremya" and "Epokha" and the weekly "Grazhdanin" the most distinguished are the publications of
F. M. Dostoevsky, as well as those prepared in collaboration with the following co-editors — M. M. Dostoevsky ("Vremya", "Epokha") and V. P. Meshchersky ("Grazhdanin"). In the editorial domain, the leading role belonged to F. M. Dostoevsky. As a specific genre, the given articles should be published and included into actual editions on history of Russian literature and journalism. Keywords journalism, genre, an editorial, attribution, F. М. Dostoevsky, М. М. Dostoevsky, V. P. Meshchersky, "Vremya", "Epokha", "Grazhdanin" Views: 3274; Downloads: 107;
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T. V. Panyukova
"Life Looks Brighter Since…": Relations Between V. P. Meshchersky and F. M. Dostoevsky as It Follows from Their Correspondence
Abstract All the epistolary exchange between Prince V. P. Meshchersky, publisher of the newspaper-magazine “Grazhdanin”, a prominent politician of the second half of the 19th century in the circle of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the future Emperor Alexander III, and F. M. Dostoevsky covers a period of nine years, beginning from 1872, soon after the return of the writer from abroad, almost until his death. The correspondence provides valuable material on biographies of the correspondents, the publishing history of the weekly “Grazhdanin” (1872–1879), and the attribution of anonymous and pseudonymous articles appeared in the magazine under the editorship of Dostoevsky. It is part of the research of the periodical’s manuscripts “portfolio” in the 1870s. All the letters are provided with textual comments and the necessary cultural and historical review. Keywords F. M. Dostoevsky, V. P. Meshchersky, a weekly newspaper-magazine “Grazhdanin”, epistolary exchange, textual criticism, attribution Views: 3462; Downloads: 76;
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F. M. Dostoevsky, V. P. Meshchersky
Correspondence (1872–1880). Text is prepared by E. Vyal, V. Zinkova
Abstract Correspondence between F. M. Dostoevsky and V. P. Meshchersky covers the period of nine years from 1872 till 1880. Their letters contain valuable biographical and literary information on the history of Russian literature and journalism of the 1870's. Keywords Fedor Dostoevsky, Vladimir Meshchersky, correspondence, newspaper-magazine "Grazhdanin" Views: 328; Downloads: 139;
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Notes on the Сorrespondence between Fyodor Dostoevsky and Vladimir Meshchersky. V. Viktorovich, Т. Panyukova
Abstract This publication presents a historical, cultural and real commentary on the letters of F. M. Dostoevsky and V. P. Meshchersky, their chronological attribution, reveals their historical and literary value in Russian journalism of the 1870s. Keywords Fedor Dostoevsky, Vladimir Meshchersky, correspondence, biography, attribution comments Views: 3804; Downloads: 118;
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I. S. Andrianova
"A Female Author" from the Сountry: Attribution of the Letter of Dostoevsky’s Correspondent
Abstract A dynamic process of professionalization of literary activity in the 19th century involved female writers as well. In contrast to the opinion of many of his fellow reviewers and writers, F.M. Dostoevsky considered female education a way to moral renewal of Mankind and approved of women’s involvement in literary activity. Such a viewpoint of Dostoevsky used to evoke women’s confidence and encourage them to write to him in search of moral support and a trustworthy opinion. The Russian archives keep the letters of more than 20 female writers addressed to Dostoevsky. The authors of two of them remain unidentified up to now. The study of the letter of the third correspondent of Dostoevsky, an emerging author, unknown before, who sent to Dostoevsky the manuscripts of her writings in response to the review, has resulted in the attribution appeared in the given article. Having carried out textual analysis of the autograph, examined documentary, biographic, historic and literary sources, information of genealogy websites, the author has brought to a focuse and adduced arguments in favor of the opinion that the letter to Dostoevsky dated back to March 7th, 1877 and signed with a cryptonym "M.Z." (in the text of the letter referred to as "M.F.Z.") belongs to Maria Florianovna Kharkeevich (whose maiden name was Zavadskaya). She lived in the village Shatalovka of Voronezh province, in the estate of her husband Yakov Alekseevich Kharkeevich. Thus, the extant Kharkeevich mansion in the village Shatalovka as well as being an architectural landmark of the 19th century, takes on a new significance of a site of memory in the Russian rural area where the female author used to write letters to Dostoevsky. Keywords Dostoevsky, correspondence, the woman question, Russian female writers of the XIX century, attribution, Zavadskaya, Yakov Kharkeevich, Shatalovka, archives, genealogy Views: 3961; Downloads: 108;
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A. V. Otlivanchik
"A Jesuit’s Letter" from the Collection of Anna Dostoevskaya's Autographs
Abstract A document referring to the business correspondence of the Journal “Grazhdanin” in the times of Putsykovich as an editor was discovered in the collection belonging to Anna Dostoevskaya. In the course of attribution the version assumed in “The Description of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Manuscripts” (Moscow, 1957) and in “The Chronicle of F. M. Dostoevsky’s Life and Works” (vol. 3. St. Petersburg, 1999), that points at F. M. Dostoevsky as an addressee of the letter of Jesuit I. S. Gagarin dated November 12 (24), 1877, is questioned. It is proved that the letter was directed to Putsykovich, editor and publisher of “Grazhdanin”. Keywords I. S. Gagarin, V. F. Putsykovich, K. K. Saint-Hilaire, P. O. Pirling, the Jesuits, “Grazhdanin”, editorial correspondence, autographs from the collection of Anna Dostoevskaya Views: 3121; Downloads: 65;
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P. E. Fokin
Reconstruction of the Monument to F. M. Dostoevsky’s Mother in Lazarev Cemetery in Moscow
Abstract Maria Fyodorovna Dostoevskaya (nee Nechaeva), mother of the great writer, died on March 11th (February 27th), 1837. She was buried at the first public graveyard in Moscow — Lazarev cemetery, the largest one until 1917. In the 1930s this cemetery was ravaged, and the writer’s mother’s remains were subjected to a barbaric exhumation. The tombstone was kept for a long time in the cellar of the State Literary Museum. The given article covers the history of reconstruction of the tombstone of M. F. Dostoevskaya. This cultural and historical event occurred on March 11th, 2017 in the territory of the former Lazarev cemetery in Moscow, near the Holy Spirit Temple. The reconstruction of M. F. Dostoevskaya’s grave is not only the reconstruction of a place of memory of the Dostoevsky dynasty, but is also evocation of recollections of all the buried in the destroyed Lazarev cemetery. Keywords Dostoevsky, Maria Dostoevskaya, the writer’s mother, the Lazarev cemetery, history of Moscow, the tombstone Views: 3268; Downloads: 77;
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From the Speeches of the Participants of a Press Conference Conference dedicated to the restoration of the gravestone on the tomb of F.M. Dostoevsky’s mother held on March 9, 2017 in the Dostoevsky Apartment Museum in Moscow. D. Bak, V. Zakharov, G. Ponomareva, P. Fokin
Abstract The addendum of the article contains excerpts from the speeches of the participants of the press conference held in the Fyodor Dostoevsky Apartment Museum in Moscow. Keywords Dostoevsky, Maria Dostoevskaya, the State Literary Museum, memory, monument restoration, Lazarev cemetery, D. Bak, V. Zakharov, G. Ponomareva, P. Fokin Views: 128; Downloads: 65;
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From Funeral Speeches after the Memorial Service on March 11, 2017. I. Volgin, D. Bak, V. Zakharov
Abstract The Annex to the article contains the published speeches of several participants of the consecration of the monument and the memorial service taken place on March 11, 2017 on the occasion of 180th anniversary of the death of Maria Fyodorovna Dostoevskaya. These speeches reveal the historical meaning and importance of the restoration of the monument on the grave of the writer’s mother. Keywords The Temple of the Holy Spirit in Moscow, Lazarev cemetery, Maria Dostoevskaya, Igor Volgin, Dmitry Bak, Vladimir Zakharov Views: 119; Downloads: 63;
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S. V. Vyzhevsky
In Search of the Grave of Mikhail Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Abstract Mikhail M. Dostoevsky died in the summer cottage in Pavlovsk on July 10th 1864 and was buried on the 13th of July at a local burying ground. All the attempts to find the tomb of the famous man of the pen and brother of the great writer remain vain until now, despite the fact that the memories of Nechaeva V. S., first director of the F. M. Dostoevsky Museum in Moscow, contain directions how to find his grave. She described the way to the gravesite based on the information provided by Ekaterina Mikhailovna Dostoevskaya, daughter of Mikhail Mikhailovich. In the 20th century Pavlovsk cemetery underwent devastation and damnification including the period of the occupation in 1941—1944. At the present the tomb of M. M. Dostoevsky is lost. Due to the critical analysis of sources, study of the cemetery history, its lay-outs of 1842, 1866, 1875, 1878, 1897, 1935, metric data books of the Court Church of Mary Magdalene in Pavlovsk we managed to detect a precise gravesite where it is necessary to erect a memorial sign. Keywords M. M. Dostoevsky, Fyodor Dostoevsky, biography, A. P. Kashin, Pavlovsk, local history, necropolis Views: 3129; Downloads: 80;
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