E. M. Varentsova
Dostoevsky in Darovoe (Based on the Materials of the Manuscript Department of the Russian Literary History State Museum Named After V. I. Dahl)
Abstract There is very little documentary evidence of Fedor Dostoevsky’s childhood and adolescence. Besides the “direct” evidence, there are also the so-called “indirect” ones, in which the pages of Dostoevsky’s biography or events related to the life of the writer’s family are recorded indirectly. Such sources, first of all, are all sorts of official papers related to the property and economic sphere. In the the Manuscript Department of the Russian Literary History State Museum Named After V. I. Dahl there are “search books” of the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spiriton the Apostles in the village of Monogarovo, the analysis of which allowed us to make additional touches to the story of the daily life of Dostoevsky’s family, add some new dates into the “Chronicle of life and work of F. M. Dostoevsky”. The article gives an archaeographic description of the documents. A special attention is paid to the autographs of Maria Fedorovna, Mikhail Andreevich and Mikhail Mikhailovich Dostoevsky dated back to the 1830s–1850s. Keywords Fedor Dostoevsky’s childhood, Mariya Fedorovna Dostoevskaya, Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Vera Mikhailovna Ivanova, search books, Darovoe, Monogarovo Views: 2362; Downloads: 101;
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B. N. Tikhomirov
Saint Petersburg of Dostoevsky as a Petrashevsky’s Circle Member (an Experience of Composing a Guide-book)
Abstract The publication is an experience of composing a Saint Petersburg guide-book by Dostoevsky as a Petrashevsky’ circle member. All the addresses of the Northern capital more or less significant for the Dostoevsky’s biography as the member of the Petrashevsky’s socialist circle, get described in a systematic manner. Besides, the life events of the writer related to this or that address get published. All the data are provided with documentary, memoir and epistolary sources. Each article is dedicated to a particular address, accompanied with the respective bibliography. The materials in the guide-book are put in a chronological order if possible: from the Wolf baker’s shop where in May, 1846 Dostoevsky got acquainted with Petrashevsky, up to the Semyonovsky parade ground where in December, 1849 the false execution over the Petroshevsky’s circle members was held and the route of escorting of the writer from the Peter and Paul Fortress to Siberia on Christmas Eve. Along with the historic addresses given in accordance with the documents of the 1840s the actual addresses of Dostoevsky’s places of staying get indicated as well. Keywords Dostoevsky, Saint Petersburg, the Petrashevsky’s circle members, local studies, addresses, routes, guide-book, sources Views: 2708; Downloads: 127;
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M. V. Zavarkina
Editorial Notes in the Notebooks of F. M. Dostoevsky in 1860‒1865
Abstract The article analyzes records from the notebooks of F. M. Dostoevsky (RGB. F. 93.I.2.6, 93.I.2.7, 93.I.2.8) that the writer kept in 1860‒1865 in parallel with the publication of the journals “Time” and “Epoch”. Some of these records still remain undeciphered or were deciphered inaccurately, others have no comments. The article presents the results of attempts to read the individual records, taking into account the characteristics of the writer's handwriting, and also it offers comments that complement the comments to the first publication of his books in the 83d volume of “The Literary heritage” (1971) and later in the 20th volume of the Complete works of F. M. Dostoevsky compiled in 30 volumes (1980). The Identification and study of these records as a part of the notebooks and diaries Dostoevsky will allow us to cover more in detail the busy life of the writer during the period of his editorial activity in the magazines “Time” and “Epoch”, as well as to understand the type of his work as a writer and journalist. The topic of the article needs further study and is of polemical character. Keywords F. M. Dostoevsky, notebooks, the journals "Vremya" and "Epokha", editorial records Views: 2663; Downloads: 152;
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A. V. Burmistrova
Dostoevsky’s Novels on the Stage (Experience of the 1st Presentations)
Abstract The problem of origin and development of the so-called Dostoevsky theatre is the problem under consideration in this article. The study is based on a comprehensive research of the metropolitan and provincial periodicals about the staging of Dostoevsky’s novels and their acceptance in 1880s 1890s. Many of the articles not studied by the researchers earlier are dedicated to the performability of the writer’s novels. The review and analysis of these sources being introduced into scientific discourse for the first time make the originality of the work. Of particular interest are the materials from the archives of the State Central Theatre Museum named after A. A. Bakhrushin, a promptbook of the staged version of the novel “Crime and Punishment” by Delier and the play by Krylov and Sutugin based on the novel “The Idiot” for its staging in The Maly Theatre in Moscow and The Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg. Keywords Dostoevsky, theatre, staging, acceptance, tradition, periodicals, criticism, archive Views: 2463; Downloads: 99;
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R. Vassena
Dostoevsky for Сhildren: the Failure or Success of the First Children’s Book, Compiled by Anna Dostoevskaya (1883)
Abstract The publication introduces into scientific discourse the history of the first children's edition of Dostoevsky's works, published in 1883 by his widow under the title "Russian children: from the works of F. M. Dostoevsky". The release of this publication in the press was a significant stage both for the history of the writer’s literary reputation and for the further development of the publishing activities of Anna Dostoevskaya. The disputes emanating from that publication about whether the works of Dostoevsky are suitable for children, led to the fact that Anna, in her subsequent books for young readers, developed new publishing strategies, paying greater attention to the paratextual elements of books (e.i. title, epilogue, design, etc.). On the basis of archival sources, journal reviews and sociological surveys of the 1880s, the article describes an early stage of the publishing project "Dostoevsky for children", identifies the criteria that Anna Dostoevskaya used while implementing it, shows the history of perception of the anthology by Russian critics and readers. In the course of the study, the dates of two letters of Orest Miller to Anna Dostoevskaya were clarified. Keywords F. M. Dostoevsky, children’s literature, adaptation, Anna Dostoevskaya, book publishing in Russia of the XIX century, Orest Miller, Nikolay Mikhaylovsky Views: 2432; Downloads: 78;
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O. A. Sosnovskaya, I. S. Andrianova
The Unknown Shorthand Notes in the Diary of Anna Dostoevskaya, or What Didn’t Ceciliya Poshemanskaya Manage to Decipher
Abstract The shorthand diary of Dostoevsky’s wife remains today one of the most difficult textual problems. This document is valuable for researchers, as it is the primary and most reliable of some extent evidences of life and work of the writer in 1866-1867. This article presents the unknown facts from the history of deciphering and publishing of the diary found out thanks to the archival researches as well as the biographical data of the Leningrad stenographer Ceciliya Poshemanskaya. She was the only specialist who managed to reveal the content of this text, written in a “dead language”. The article describes the principles of Anna Dostoevskaya’s stenography that make the decipherment of the diary particularly difficult, specifies the main results of a critical analysis of the transcripts by Ceciliya Poshemanskaya that formed the basis of the editions of the diary of Anna Dostoevskaya in 1973 and 1993. This analysis was based on the comparison of the decrypted text by Ceciliya Poshemanskaya and the list of acronyms by Anna Dostoevskaya compiled by the authors of the article. It allowed characterizing the work of the Leningrad stenographer as scrupulous and explaining the reason of leaving some notes in the diary undeciphered and rare mistakes in their interpretation by a high complexity of the work that she performed on her own. The examples of the diary notes not decrypted, omitted or interpreted incorrectly by Poshemanskaya, presented in the article, do not change its general content, but supplement the picture of everyday life of the Dostoevskys and their relationship in 1867. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that it is necessary to republish the diary of the writer's wife with additions and corrections of the text and comments. Keywords Fedor Dostoevsky, Anna Dostoevskaya, Ceciliya Poshemanskaya, shorthand, decryption, shorthand diary of 1867, history of the text Views: 2558; Downloads: 103;
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