№ 1, 2019 year

Dostoevsky's Europe: Why did the writer choose Florence among various Italian cities? A mess in addresses: Where did Dostoevsky live in Florence? Uncensored memoirs: Which details were excluded from A. E. Riesenkampf's memoirs? Everyone is offended: Why did inheritance set brothers against sisters? One more time about Nikolay Shakhov: What did the guards warrant officer distinguish himself by? An Author withous a pseudonym: What did Adam Honory Kirkor hide from the editors of "Grazhdanin"? Findings in the archive: Why did Anna Dostoevskaya collect critical essays on her husband? Deciphering transcripts: Which letter of Leo Tolstoy was on the table of Dostoevsky in the latter days of his life? In the bosom of the Snitkins: How to improve the mistakes of memory and to verify the family legends. Freedom of translation: Bunin and Nabokov had nothing to do with it.

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S. Aloe
Italy in the Biography of F. M. Dostoevsky: Several Introductory Notes About the Archival Finds of Valentina Supino
Views: 2889; Downloads: 109;

3 - 9
V. Supino
Florentine Addresses of Dostoevsky
Views: 3019; Downloads: 92;

10 - 27
P. E. Fokin
The Young Dostoevsky in Memory of A. E. Riesenkampf (Based on the Materials of the Manuscript Department of the Russian Literature History State Museum Named After V. I. Dahl)
Views: 2548; Downloads: 84;

28 - 45
V. V. Borisova
Moral and Legal Dimensions of the “Kumanin Case”
Views: 2579; Downloads: 141;

46 - 69
L. V. Alekseeva
New Sources of the Biography of Nikolay Shakhov, Author of the Daily “Grazhdanin” and Correspondent of F. M. Dostoevsky
Views: 2625; Downloads: 78;

70 - 86
A. V. Otlivanchik
Why Did Adam Honory Kirkor Call Himself in the Editorial Office of “Grazhdanin” Ivan Alekseevich Slivov: Based on the Materials of the Krakow Archive of the Publicist
Views: 2559; Downloads: 70;

87 - 106
A. V. Petrova
The Notebooks with Criticism: Another Case of Anna Dostoevskaya
Views: 2669; Downloads: 91;

107 - 118
I. S. Andrianova, O. A. Sosnovskaya
Unknown Transcripts of Fedor Dostoevsky’s Wife, or On the History of One Lev Tolstoy’s Manuscript
Views: 2712; Downloads: 98;

119 - 135
T. V. Panyukova
The Snitkins Who Became Relatives of Dostoevsky
Views: 2852; Downloads: 72;

136 - 163
V. N. Zakharov
Who Reproached Dostoevsky for Christ - Bunin or Nabokov?
Views: 2612; Downloads: 82;

164 - 167