V. N. Zakharov
A Monument as a Text, or The Message of the Brothers Dostoevsky
Abstract The article considers the circumstances of the creation of a monument to the writer's mother Maria Fyodorovna Dostoevskaya. Mikhail Andreevich, father of the brothers Dostoevsky, asked Mikhail and Fyodor to compose the text for the monument. In March and April of 1837 the brothers worked out the idea and conception of the monument, wrote the text of the first and fourth epigraphs, chose evangelic verses and an epitaph of N.M. Karamzin. This was their first collective act of creative work embodied in stone. The monument is not only a symbol of love and sorrow for their mother’s death but also hope for her salvation and future resurrection. The brothers’ words and those chosen from the Gospel as well as the Karamzin’s ones have one more meaning. These convey a sense of beingness and an Easter idea of individual creative work. It is necessary to renew the tomb of Maria Fyodorovna Dostoevskaya and bring the monument back to Lazarevskoye cemetery in Moscow. Keywords the Dostoevskys, Maria Dostoevskaya, Fyodor Dostoevsky, memory, a monument as a text, the idea of creativity, Easter motive Views: 5104; Downloads: 148;
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P. E. Fokin
"I Loved My Brother Infinitely…"
Abstract Literary heritage of Mikhail Mikhailovich Dostoevsky(1820-1864) is not very abundant and appeals to experts only. His personality is of much more importance for national and world culture. He was a friend and soul mate of his genius brother (almost coeval). Their relations were an essential element of the biography and spiritual identity of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Mikhail was the first and for many years the only interlocutor of F.M. Dostoevsky. His role as an addressee in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s letters cannot be underestimated either. Fyodor Dostoevsky regarded his brother not only as a friend but as a business partner too. Their most successful joint enterprise was publishing of the magazine “Time” (“Vremya”) (1861–1863), whose initiator and owner became Mikhail Dostoevsky. After Мikhail’s death Fyodor took charge of his family that had both direct and indirect impact on his own lifestyle. The year 2014 was the 150th anniversary of Mikhail Dostoevsky’s death. In this regard, the State Literature Museum organized an exposition titled “I loved my brother infinitely...” in the F.M. Dostoevsky Museum-Apartment. It was the first exposition dedicated to the personality of Mikhail Dostoevsky and his literary heritage. A lot of exhibit items had never been exposed before. Keywords M. M. Dostoevsky, brother, interlocutor, addressee, business partner, State Literary Museum, exhibition Views: 199; Downloads: 97;
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T. N. Shipova
M. M. Dostoevsky as a Businessman (Based on Materials of Russian Periodicals of the 19th Century)
Abstract In the 1850s the elder brother of Fyodor М. Dostoevsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1820 1864), began his own business founding a tobacco factory and a shop in Saint Petersburg. The businessman M.M. Dostoevsky introduced an innovative bonus system for bulk purchasers in the form of the so called “surprises”. Russian periodicals and newspapers mentioned this innovation. This article is a collection of newspaper materials (comments, advertisements and others) dedicated to the tobacco products of M.M. Dostoevsky’s factory. Some of them were published for the first time in the Bulletin of museum life of the State Literature Museum «Zveno 2008» (Shipova Т. N. Obliterate facts. Мoscow, 2009). The present enriched edition contains newspaper articles discovered by Shipova T.N. in the years that followed. Keywords M. M. Dostoevsky, businessman, tobacco factory, newspaper comments Views: 292; Downloads: 99;
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V. N. Zakharov, O. V. Zakharova
Who is the Author of Obituary notices of Mikhail Dostoevsky's Death?
Abstract While studying the reception of Dostoevsky’s activity in his lifetime critical reviews O. Zakharova raised a question of attribution of the obituaries and death notices of Mikhail Dostoevsky published in Russian newspapers in July 1864. A number of traits such as personal drama of the character, inner modesty and dignity of the style made the obituary an extraordinary phenomenon of this genre in Russian periodicals of the 1860s. The article asserts that some materials and the obituary notice published in the “Illustrated Newspaper” belonged to Fyodor Dostoevsky. It is evidenced by the facts of Mikhail Dostoevsky’s disease and death, by unknown or little-known details of his life, death, editorial activity, by the role of Fyodor Dostoevsky in organizing the funeral, and by semantic and stylistic similarities in the narration of his brother’s last days in the obituaries published in the “Illustrated Newspaper” (July 16, 1864) and “Epoch” (August 20, 1864), in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s letters to his brother Andrei Dostoevsky (July 29, 1864) and to his friend A.E. Vrangel (March 31- April 14, 1865). The fact that the editor of the “Illustrated Newspaper” V.R. Zotov took part in the funeral ceremony for Mikhail Dostoevsky made the publication of the obituary possible. The funeral was conducted on Monday and the newspaper used to be released on Thursdays. Thus, the text could be handed over during the funeral service and Fyodor Dostoevsky could bring the obituary to the editorial office on Tuesday or Wednesday. Keywords Fyodor Dostoevsky, Mikhail Dostoevsky, Vladimir Zotov, obituary notice, attribution Views: 3998; Downloads: 87;
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L. V. Alekseeva
Anonymous Letters in the Dostoevsky Archive
Abstract The article is dedicated to one of the major problems existing in textual studies of epistolary heritage of Fyodor Dostoevsky and his addressees - the problem of attribution of anonymous or unknown persons F.M. Dostoevsky used to correspond with. This issue remains essential nowadays despite the fact that F.M. Dostoevsky’s personality and activity are well studied. In the article, the author poses the problems any researcher has to face while trying to attribute the letters. However, by the example of certain letters it is shown that in spite of such difficulties it turns out to be possible sometimes to reveal anonymous, unknown addressees of the writer. Keywords attribution, archive, epistolary heritage, correspondent, anonymous author, unknown correspondent Views: 4413; Downloads: 140;
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I. S. Andrianova
Dostoevsky's Letters to His Wife: the Problem of Censorial Corrections
Abstract After F. M. Dostoevsky’s death his widow Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya became a gatherer and a keeper of the writer’s private archive and of other papers referred to his name. She took care of this collection for their descendants’ good and kept enlarging it till the day she died. Along with this, the Dostoevsky archive that has come down to us contains manuscripts revised by his widow. This refers to Dostoevsky’s letters to her. The article analyses certain corrections made by Anna Dostoevskaya in the letters of Fyodor Dostoevsky addressed to her. The article aims at specifying the initial text of Dostoevsky’s letters written to his wife in 1873, by means of reading the crossed out words and lines in the text, and defining the prospects of future textual studies of the manuscripts. Transcribing process was realized by using traditional (visual) methods of text reading and analysis. The purpose of the article is to explore the reasons that had encouraged the writer’s widow to serve as an editor and a censor of Dostoevsky’s letters. The archive materials were used when preparing the article, among others the papers unknown to the academic community (copies of the letters of Dostoevsky to his wife and her remarks to those letters). Keywords Dostoevsky, Anna G. Dostoevskaya, epistolary heritage, censorial corrections, textual criticism Views: 4256; Downloads: 117;
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I. S. Andrianova
P. A. Popov: One of the Creditors of Dostoevsky
Abstract P.А. Popov was one of the most persistent creditors of F.M. Dostoevsky. In his strive to wheedle money out of the writer that experienced creditor not only resorted to regular visits to Dostoevsky’s apartment but skillfully applied methods of psychological pressure in his letters. His letters are published in full for the first time. Keywords Fyodor Dostoevsky, P. A. Popov, creditor, epistolary heritage Views: 241; Downloads: 99;
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B. N. Tikhomirov
Portrait Sketches of Dostoevsky: New Attributions
Abstract Attributions of some portrait sketches made by Dostoevsky in his artistic manuscripts are implemented in the article. The writer’s early graphical self portrait is depicted on the margins of the so called "Siberian notebook", the portrait sketches of Voltaire and Shakespeare are attributed. The method of visual argumentation using the known graphical and sculptural portraits of attributed historical figures is applied. Keywords the Dostoevskys, Voltaire, attribution, drawings, self-portrait, notebooks, creative process Views: 4483; Downloads: 61;
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K. V. Sizyukhina
A Family and Patrimonial Thought in A. M. Dostoevsky's Diaries
Abstract The article is aimed at presenting the most interesting fragments of the diaries of Andrei Mikhailovich Dostoevsky that will help readers see familiar personalia of the Dostoevskys’ family patrimonial chronicle in a new light. The diaries contain portrait sketches of F. M. Dostoevsky, V. M. Dostoevskaya, A. M. Dostoevskaya, A. G. Dostoevskaya, L. F. Dostoevskaya etc. Psychological observations made by the author in respect of his nearest and dearest convert a private family chronotope of the diary narration into a patrimonial one: based on his own family history Andrei Mikhailovich depicts the life of the Dostoevsky dynasty as a whole. References to personalities never before mentioned in encyclopedic documents dedicated to analysis of the Dostoevsky family tree will be of some interest to a reader too. In particular, the name of a certain Anna Dostoevskaya appears for the first time in one of the diary extracts. Keywords diary, A. M. Dostoevsky, F. M. Dostoevsky, M. M. Dostoevsky, V. M. Dostoevskaya, A. M. Dostoevskaya, A. G. Dostoevskaya, L. F. Dostoevskaya, M. M. Vladislavleva, family, family line personalia, genre, style, chronotope, Darovoe Views: 3794; Downloads: 53;
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S. A. Kibalnik
Memoirs in Extenso: Dostoevsky in Memoirs, Notebooks and Diaries on the Website of the Pushkin House
Abstract The article presents a web portal of the Pushkin House "Russian writers of the 1860s and 1880s in the unremembered memoirs, notebooks and diaries". A range of materials on this topic is placed here: 1) books of memoirs by S. А. Bers, P. А. Gnedich, G. К. Gradovsky, D. V. Grigorovich, А. G. Dostoevskaya, А. F. Koni, V. G. Korolenko, А. Leskov, V. P. Meshchersky, I. I. Panaev, L. F. Panteleev, А. А. Pleshcheev, М. К. Saltykov, S. L. Tolstoy, А. P. Suslova, N. А. Tuchkova-Ogaryova, N. V. Uspensky, А. А. Fet, Е. А. Shtakenshneider, V. Mikulich, I. I. Yasinsky and others (the books of V. Mikulich and I. I. Yasinsky are provided with new and quite detailed comments by B. N. Tikhomirov); 2) certain magazine and newspaper essays some of which, for instance by D. N. Sadovnikov, N. M. Pavlov, P. Raisky (I. I. Kolyshko), F. P. Chuffrin and N. Milyaev, are accompanied by detailed textual and historical literary comments; 3) a complete text of the "Memoirs about Dostoevsky" by А. I. Suvorina with comments them by S. A. Kibalnik; 4) memorial essays on Dostoevsky by А. А. Zelenetsky and L. V. Golovina (they are published by S. А. Kibalnik based on the manuscripts of the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, published before according to other lists); 4) the article of V. A. Savostyanova "In counterpart to Anna Grigirievna Dostoevskaya’s memoirs" is placed according to a version that has never been reproduced before (text processing and comments belong by B. N. Tikhomirov); 5) a range of manuscript materials referring to the biography and art of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, K. N. Leontiev and A. P. Chekhov is published for the first time. Keywords memoirs, note books, diaries, Dostoevsky, archives, manuscripts Views: 277; Downloads: 90;
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B. N. Tikhomirov
A Complicated Case of Attribution of a Sketch to the Novel "Demons"
Abstract The Manuscript Department of the Pushkin House contains a page of miscellaneous sketches unreasonably attributed in the academic literature to the novels "Crime and Punishment" or "The Brothers Karamazov". The article’s author suggests attributing the above-noted sketches to the novel "Demons" and refers them to March and June of 1872. The portrait of a young girl in the inferior part of the page is considered as a probable author’s depiction of Liza Tushina. Keywords Dostoevsky, "Demons", notebooks, manuscripts, attribution Views: 3957; Downloads: 74;
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