№ 1/2, 2014 year

Who is the author of M.M. Dostoevsky obituaries? An unknown text of Dosteovsky taken from old newspapers. If the monument is read as a text... "An odinary talent" Michail Dostoevsky in the glass cases of the State Literature Museum. A cigarette with a surprise or tobacco of manufacturer Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky, baker from Saint Petersburg..Who is that? Why did the wife edit her husband's letters? How to get money out of Dostoevsky. Who is at the back of the pseudonym? Who is going to reveal a secret of the anonymous author? Where shall we put the text? Dostoevsky is depicting Shakespear... Voltaire...Who else? The first self-portrait of Dostoevsky.

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V. N. Zakharov
A Monument as a Text, or The Message of the Brothers Dostoevsky
Views: 4951; Downloads: 145;

5 - 11
P. E. Fokin
"I Loved My Brother Infinitely…"
Views: 195; Downloads: 95;

12 - 27
T. N. Shipova
M. M. Dostoevsky as a Businessman (Based on Materials of Russian Periodicals of the 19th Century)
Views: 286; Downloads: 96;

28 - 34
V. N. Zakharov, O. V. Zakharova
Who is the Author of Obituary notices of Mikhail Dostoevsky's Death?
Views: 3877; Downloads: 86;

35 - 49
L. V. Alekseeva
Anonymous Letters in the Dostoevsky Archive
Views: 4256; Downloads: 138;

50 - 64
I. S. Andrianova
Dostoevsky's Letters to His Wife: the Problem of Censorial Corrections
Views: 4136; Downloads: 112;

65 - 71
I. S. Andrianova
P. A. Popov: One of the Creditors of Dostoevsky
Views: 233; Downloads: 97;

72 - 81
B. N. Tikhomirov
Portrait Sketches of Dostoevsky: New Attributions
Views: 4362; Downloads: 60;

82 - 93
K. V. Sizyukhina
A Family and Patrimonial Thought in A. M. Dostoevsky's Diaries
Views: 3698; Downloads: 51;

94 - 109
S. A. Kibalnik
Memoirs in Extenso: Dostoevsky in Memoirs, Notebooks and Diaries on the Website of the Pushkin House
Views: 270; Downloads: 86;

110 - 114
B. N. Tikhomirov
A Complicated Case of Attribution of a Sketch to the Novel "Demons"
Views: 3844; Downloads: 70;

115 - 122