№ 1, 2018 year

Who were or who had a chance to become the character prototypes of Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot"? What did the columnist and man of letters S. A. Nikolaevsky write in "Grazhdanin" and what could he write? Why did the "Kumanin heritage" turn to be fateful in life and work of Dostoevsky? How to decipher Anna Dostoevskaya's shorthand records at the lapse of 150 years later? What can we inquire about the relatives of Dostoevsky from parish registers and lists of the deceased people?

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V. A. Viktorovich
A Non-Fantastic Character of the «Fantastic Novel “The Idiot”»
Views: 3384; Downloads: 79;

3 - 19
A. V. Otlivanchik
Sergey Aleksandrovich Nikolaevsky is Political Commentator in the Journal “Grazhdanin” in 1872—1873
Views: 2732; Downloads: 79;

20 - 31
V. V. Borisova
“The Kumanin Heritage Case” in Life and Works of F. M. Dostoevsky
Views: 2879; Downloads: 126;

32 - 42
I. S. Andrianova, O. A. Sosnovskaya
The Stenographic System of Anna Dostoevskaya: the Problem of Decryption
Views: 3354; Downloads: 118;

43 - 67
T. V. Panyukova
Updates to the Dostoevsky Genealogy (Based on St. Petersburg Archive)
Views: 3018; Downloads: 72;

68 - 121