№ 3, 2018 year

What do Dostoevsky's calligraphic notes in his notebooks to the novel "Crime and Punishment" mean? Variations of the oral text: Dostoevsky's humoristic poem in the family legend of the Lublin summer residents and his relatives Ivanovs. Do not believe the printed word: When did contemporaries read Dostoevsky's "Triton"? On the Occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Mikhailovich Dostoevsky: What do metric books tell us about the family of the elder brother of the great novelist? Who did the Russia of Dostoevsky glorified by Anna Akhmatova comprise of: Whose addresses are listed in Dostoevsky's notebooks? Who was Ardalion Zimenko? And was Dostoevsky acquainted with the writer Ilya Salov? Is there evidence of acquaintance of Dostoevsky with the Lyadovs? What was the destiny of the writer's correspondent O. A. Antipova?

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K. A. Barsht
The Сalligraphy of Fedor Dostoevsky in His Manuscripts to the Novel “Crime and Punishment”
Views: 2843; Downloads: 83;

3 - 45
N. N. Bogdanov
The Note by Yu. A. Ivanov “The Unpublished Verse of F. M. Dostoevsky”
Views: 2592; Downloads: 61;

46 - 55
B. N. Tikhomirov
Dostoevsky’s Addresses and Addressees in Petersburg (On the Problem of Regional Commentary of Address Records of the Writer). Article Two
Views: 3080; Downloads: 95;

56 - 105
A. V. Otlivanchik
When Was the Feuilleton by F. M. Dostoevsky “Triton” Published? On the Censorship History of the Weekly Journal “Grazhdanin” (“The Citizen”) in 1878
Views: 2423; Downloads: 55;

106 - 128
T. V. Panyukova
Revision of the Dostoevsky Genealogy: Family of Mikhail Mikhailovich (Based on the Мaterials of St. Petersburg Archive)
Views: 2871; Downloads: 86;

129 - 179
I. S. Andrianova
From Editorial Correspondence Between “Vremya” and “Epokha”: The Brothers Dostoevskys, Ardalion Zimenko, Iliya Salov
Views: 2811; Downloads: 79;

180 - 194
I. O. Prokhorov
Dostoevsky and the Lyadovs (Letter to the Editors)
Views: 2704; Downloads: 66;

195 - 203