V. N. Zakharov
Dostoevsky’s Idea: Deeper Understanding of Russia as an Educational Challenge Learning
Abstract Among Dostoevsky’s manuscripts, a seemingly insignificant document can be found. It consists of five pages torn out by the writer from his sketchbook — apparently, in August 1864. This document demonstrates how Dostoevsky the editor would work with authors, guide them and shape the policy of his journal. In his notes on classical and real education,
Dostoevsky expressed the idea and conception of the article, which he commissioned to be written by A. A. Golovachov, a Moscow litterateur. Despite its brevity, the text reads as a complete statement. In it, Dostoevsky puts forward his vision of the new education in Russia which must overcome the "Roman and Germanic" influence, as well as teach young people how to become Russian "through learning" (if they cannot be Russians a priori), and how to strive for "deeper understanding of Russia" in schools and universities. Later, in his 1880 sketchbook, Dostoevsky took these ideas a step further in an essay titled "To study Russia". Dostoevsky’s pedagogical ideas have not lost their relevance for contemporary Russia: his call for a deeper study and understanding of Russia as the main challenge for national education still remains largely unheeded. Keywords F. M. Dostoevsky, А. А. Golovachov, idea, education, Russia, journalism, editing, attribution Views: 3389; Downloads: 123;
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A. V. Otlivanchik
The Fee List of “Grazhdanin” (1873. №№ 23—39) as a Source of Attribution of Anonymous and Pseudo-anonymous Publications
Abstract The article provides a critical analysis of the Fee List №№ 23—39 first published in the Journal “Grazhdanin” in 1873 with comments. It is compared with the Fee List of “Grazhdanin” № 45 (1873), which forms part of a business letter of V. P. Meshchersky to F. M. Dostoevsky under date the 5th of November, 1873. The rates of payment per text line during the editorship of Dostoevsky are précised as well as the criteria of the authors involvement of F. M. Dostoevsky, N. N. Strakhov, V. F. Putsykovich, A. U. Poretsky, A. Naumov are defined in the article. Keywords the weekly “Grazhdanin”, documented attribution, reconstruction of fees calculations, rates of payment Views: 3377; Downloads: 120;
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F. M. Dostoevsky
< The Fee List №№ 23–39 of "Grazhdanin", 1873. From the Sketch-Book of 1872–1875 >
Abstract The fee list №№ 23–39 of the journal “Grazhdanin” of the year 1873 is published with the author’s spelling and punctuation but the drawbacks committed in its’ first publication are corrected here (Literary Heritage. Vol. 83. Moscow: Nauka, 1971. Pp. 305–309). The publication is accompanied with the photos of the original pages of the fee list and comments on all the fee calculations and payments. Based on the analysis of the marks in the fee list, the comparison of the calculated fees with the length of the texts inserted into issues №№ 23–39 of “Grazhdanin”, and the rates of payment per a text line, attribution of anonymous and pseudo-anonymous publications in “Grazhdanin” becomes possible. Keywords Grazhdanin newspaper magazine, editorial activity of F. M. Dostoyevsky, gonorarny calculations, documentary attribution Preparation of the text and notes - A.V. Otlivanchik Views: 3502; Downloads: 138;
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N. A. Tarasova
The Questions of Publishing and Commenting on Unrealized Ideas of Dostoevsky in the Late 1860s and Early 1870s
Abstract The article is dedicated to the problems of reading, publishing, dating and commenting on Dostoevsky’s draft notes and diaries that reveal his unaccomplished ideas in the late 1860s and early 1870s. The article proposes new textological solutions concerning scientific principles of reconstruction of handwritten materials taking into consideration peculiarities of the author's creative process and the position of handwritten notes on a page. The article studies variants of publishing author’s unaccomplished ideas, born in the broad thematic context of Dostoevsky’s diaries and among the preliminary drafts of his other incomplete works. For the first time, the study clarifies the chronological order of notes in Dostoyevsky’s notebooks, and raises a question of another sequences of their publishing in the press. Much attention is paid to the problem of commenting on Dostoevsky’s drafts. Certain mistakes, previously made in academic and other scholarly comments, have been corrected. Finally, new facts have been added to already existing comments on the manuscript texts. Keywords history of the text, creative story, unrealized ideas, Dostoevsky Views: 4161; Downloads: 80;
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B. N. Tikhomirov
Dostoevsky and Svedenborg's Book “Heaven and Hell”
Abstract The article is dedicated to analysis of repercussions of the book “Heaven and Hell” (1688—1772) by Emmanuel Swedenborg in the creative work of Dostoevsky. The moment of acquaintance of the author with the treatise of the Swedish theosophist is studied. The article summarizes the research results on the theme “Dostoevsky and Swedenborg” in national and international literary studies. The author of the article focuses on the traces of Swedenborg’s book’s impact on genesis of the fantastic story of Dostoevsky “Bobok” (1873), and proves the opinion that the artistic space of this writing is similar to “the world of spirits” of the Swedish mystic, that is seen as a transitional sphere between mortal life of a Man and his eternal being in Hell or in Heavens. At the same time, the differences between an artistic conception of Dostoevsky and the doctrine of Swedenborg are emphasized. The evidence of the author’s awareness of the treatise “Heaven and Hell” is also found in the preliminary materials to the novels “Demons” and “the Brothers Karamazov”. Keywords Dostoevsky, Svedenborg, "The dream of a Ridiculous man", "Bobok", world of spirits, heaven, hell, demons, angels Views: 3736; Downloads: 95;
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I. S. Andrianova
“I am here to work, not to make the Acquaintance”: Fedor Dostoevsky and Anna Snitkina
Abstract 150 years ago, on October 4th (October 17th), 1866, a stenographer Anna Snitkina came to work to the writer Dostoevsky. So, she made a life-changing acquaintance of him, which culminated in a happy marriage and a successful creative collaboration. The subject the acquaintance of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Anna Snitkina is popular in Art and literature: it is embodied in the biographical researches, fiction, drama, cinema. At the heart of this publication there are the results of studying the creative process of writing memories by Anna Dostoevskaya about her acquaintance of the writer and their collaboration on the novel “The Gambler”. The author of the article has made a textual study of the extant editions and drafts of biographical memories of that period of Dostoevsky and his bride, made a comparison with the verbatim records of the diary of 1867. As a result, there were brought to light and considered auto censorial corrections and fragments that were not included in the last edition of memoirs at the discretion of the memoirist. These episodes of a draft manuscript are similar to verbatim records of the diary that are of greater factual certainty than memoirs. They reliably convey the circumstances and atmosphere of the first meeting of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Anna Snitkina, their work, communication problems, particular traits of characters, habits and tastes. Keywords Dostoevsky, Anna Dostoevskaya, the memoirs, acquaintance, shorthand, the versions of edition Views: 3485; Downloads: 108;
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