N. A. Tarasova
Unpublished Notes to the Novel "A Raw Youth" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Abstract The article is dedicate to the textual research of draft manuscripts of the novel "A Raw Youth" and the problem of omissions of the author’s text when published. Analysis of these omissions gives an opportunity to define their origins, and thus, challenging fragments in the draft manuscripts. As a result, this kind of errors in reading the author’s text becomes possible when working with such manuscripts. The most common reasons for these omissions are a particular position of the notes on the page (a marginal character of the notes) and numerous, sometimes hard-to-read author’s corrections (above all, strikethrough texts and insertions). Consequently, the text fragments omitted by the researchers are not published till now. Their analysis enables to represent the author’s text in full, determine the meaning of the omitted fragments in the artistic context of the novel manuscripts and their correspondence to the draft and final text of the literary work. Keywords Dostoevsky, textual criticism, draft manuscripts, novel "A Raw Youth" Views: 176; Downloads: 82;
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M. V. Zavarkina, T. V. Panyukova
The Correction of Reading Errors in the Notebook of F. M. Dostoevsky (The Russian State Archive of Literature and Arts. F. 212.1.5)
Abstract The article investigates some cases of incorrect reading of the notes in the copy-book of F. M. Dostoevsky (December 1865 — October 1867), for the first time published in 1931 under the editorship of P. N. Sakulin and N. F. Belchikov, and next in the Complete works of the writer (Nauka publ., 1972-1990). Among the reading errors there are omissions of the creative notes and their incorrect attribution (the given copy-book contains the notes to two literary writings at once: the novels "Crime and Punishment" and "The Idiot"; to the writer’s uncompleted conceptions, and it also comprises calculations, calligraphy etc). As it follows from the article, the reading errors mostly occurred due to the lack of knowledge of the peculiarities of pre-revolutionary spelling and inability to distinguish the writer’s drawings. All the examples analyzed in the article are provided with the photos of the manuscript that allows us to visualize the reading errors in the given publications. Keywords F. M. Dostoevsky, notebook, manuscript, reading errors Views: 4483; Downloads: 57;
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E. A. Fedorova, I. S. Andrianova
Who is the Author of the Story Based on Dostoevsky's Novel "Crime and Punishment"?
Abstract The story "They have crushed the person! They have crushed him!" is forgotten now. Meanwhile it is attributed to Dostoevsky in the bibliographical references of A. G. Dostoevskaya and S. V. Belov and according to the opinion of the Education Committee under the Holy Synod ("Novgorod Eparchial Bulletin", 1879, № 1). The article for the first time raises a problem of the story’s authorship. It was published twice – in the magazine "Childhood Reading" (1870) and in the children’s digest "In One’s Own Circle" (1875) prepared by A. N. Ostrogorsky. In the second edition dreadful descriptions of the sufferings of the housefather crushed by the horses were mitigated, colloquial intonation disappeared, the expressiveness of speech decreased. The fact that this story was not included in the following editions of A. N.Ostrogorsky’s digest is explained by the statement of the Education Committee under the Holy Synod that it was too difficult for children’s perception. A comparative analysis of the story "They have crushed the person! They have crushed him!" and an episode with a similar subject in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel "Crime and Punishment" (Marmeladov’s tragic death) brings to light evident distinctions in the subject of narration, the nature of main characters, the style of narration. An appeal to the program article of the magazine "Childhood Reading" written by its editor (1869-1877) A. N. Ostrogorsky where he emphasized that the adaptation of the adult literary works for children was one of the essential directions for the journal development allows us to deduce that the author of the story "They have crushed the person! They have crushed him!" was A. N. Ostrogorsky. The article makes a reasonable assumption that it was V. P. Ostrogorsky, a cousin of A. N. Ostrogorsky, who received authorization to adapt the episode from the novel "Crime and Punishment". He had known Dostoevsky since their collaboration in the Journal ‘Vremya” and the writer did not object to that. The cousins Ostrogorsky shared educational and philosophical views of Dostoevsky, resorted to his biography and works in their writings after the writer’s death. Keywords Fyodor M. Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment", A. N. Ostrogorsky, V. P. Ostrogorsky, "Childhood Reading", "In One’s Own Circle", attribution, children Views: 3948; Downloads: 82;
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Preparation of the text and publication - O. A. Sosnovskaya and I. S. Andrianova |
B. N. Tikhomirov
The Books F. M. Dostoevsky had during his Detention in the Alexis Ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress (1849)
Abstract The article describes a range of publications Dostoevsky read during his detention in the Peter and Paul Fortress from April until December 1849. A list of the books and periodicals was reconstructed on the basis of the letter exchange between the writer and his brothers – Andrei and mainly Mikhail. The indexes of the National Library of Russia as well as "A systematic list of Russian books from 1831 to 1846" by M. D. Olkhin were used for the reconstruction. All the books were looked through de visu. The form of description copies that one applied by the coauthors of the collective monograph "The library of F. M. Dostoevsky: experience of reconstruction. Scientific description" (St.Petersburg, 2005). The content of miscellany books and multi-volume editions is extremely detailed that gives an idea of life events, historical circumstances, literary subjects and so on, which occurred within sight of Dostoevsky as a reader. Keywords F. M. Dostoevsky, arrest, detention, the Peter and Paul Fortress, reading circle, bibliographic description, reconstruction Views: 3790; Downloads: 80;
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I. S. Andrianova
"Strakhov's Slander", or the Protest of Dostoevsky’s Widow and Nephew
Abstract N. N. Strakhov, who was close to the Dostoevsky family, proved to be a slanderer after the writer’s death having insulted the memory of the writer in his letter to L.N. Tolstoy of November 28, 1883. This document was published 30 years later – in 1913 in the magazine "The Modern world" (№ 10), when both Dostoevsky and the correspondents had already died. It was Dostoevsky’s widow who defended her husband’s memory against Strakhov’s accusations. During the second half of 1914 and 1915 A.G. Dostoevskaya was preparing a protest she was going to publish. She was collecting signatures of the famous contemporaries who had known the writer well and were able to refute the slander. Andrei Andreevich Dostoevsky, the writer’s nephew, helped her to prepare the protest. Seven letters of Anna G. Dostoevskaya to Andrei A. Dostoevsky concerning their joint activity are for the first time published in the appendix to this article. The writer’s widow did not publish her protest. She gave a response to the descendants and admirers of Dostoevsky’s works in her memoirs that were published according to her will only after her death. Keywords F. M. Dostoevsky, A. G. Dostoevskaya, A. A. Dostoevsky, N. N. Strakhov, L. N. Tolstoy, correspondence, slander, Russian archives Views: 4065; Downloads: 92;
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Publication and notes - I.S. Andrianova |