№ 2, 2022 year

Studying the writer's handwriting: At what stage is the catalog of Dostoevsky's cursive handwriting? Why study Dostoevsky's calligraphy? The author’s biography: Why didn’t Nekrasov complete the story about Dostoevsky? Textual criticism lessons: How is it possible to reveal the author of an anonymous text? Did Dostoevsky write reviews for “Grazhdanin”? The writer's thesaurus: How did the political ideas of Plato and Aristotle strengthen Dostoevsky’s Orthodox and monarchical beliefs and his democratic views? In what categories is Dostoevsky's gospel text manifested? The film adaptation of "White Nights" in Iran - why do we need a "triple" translation? In memory of the scientist and teacher

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N. A. Tarasova
Principles of Creating an Electronic Catalog of Graphics Based on the Manuscripts of F. M. Dostoevsky
Views: 1156; Downloads: 85;

5 - 36
B. N. Tikhomirov
Calligraphic Elements in Dostoevsky’s Handwriting as a Textological Problem
Views: 1249; Downloads: 88;

37 - 57
D. A. Iudin
Dostoevsky as a Character Prototype in Nekrasov’s Unfinished Short Novel “On the Same Day at Eleven o’Clock in the Morning…”
Views: 1149; Downloads: 49;

58 - 85
D. D. Buchneva
The Crisis of the Bibliographic Department: Did Dostoevsky Write Reviews for “Grazhdanin” (“The Citizen”)
Views: 1152; Downloads: 52;

86 - 99
A. A. Skoropadskaya
“Nevertheless, “Dim” Is Coming”: Extracts from an Article by M. Kutorga in F. M. Dostoevsky’s Manuscripts
Views: 1214; Downloads: 30;

100 - 116
V. V. Borisova, S. S. Shaulov
Terminological Thesaurus of the Gospel Text by F. M. Dostoevsky
Views: 2160; Downloads: 102;

117 - 136
Eidlak K. Siyami, Z. Rasouli
F. M. Dostoevsky in Iran: “Triple” Translation
Views: 1181; Downloads: 49;

137 - 148
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“I am one of the many teachers of Russian literature”: in memory of Robert Louis Jackson (1923–2022)
Views: 50; Downloads: 32;

149 - 153