№ 3, 2021 year

Sensation: The names of those who helped Natalia Fonvizina in Tobolsk have been revealed! The name of the valiant gendarme captain is Alexander Smalkov! Summer impressions of London: Why did the tourist Dostoevsky visit Herzen? The Verzhbolovo raid: Dostoevsky is still in Germany, while his brother Mikhail is being interrogated in St. Petersburg! Two editors: How did Dostoevsky edit Meshchersky’s work? Lessons in polemics: How did Dostoevsky’s critic and opponent Burenin become his comrade ? Scandals in Dostoevsky's Memoirs: Poetry and Reality, or Literature in Life. A hundred years ago: How did they try to make sense of Dostoevsky during the first centennial anniversary? Dostoevsky Online: How can the depth of a digital text be measured? What new methods will be useful in studying his manuscripts?

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E. D. Maskevich, B. N. Tikhomirov
“…As We Were Awaiting Our Future Fate in Prison”: Dostoevsky in Tobolsk on January 9—20, 1850
Views: 1414; Downloads: 76;

5 - 30
I. L. Volgin
Dostoevsky as a Tourist (1862): The Discovery of Europe or a Secret Visit to Iskander?
Views: 1632; Downloads: 84;

31 - 71
O. V. Zakharova
The 1862 Case of the Writer F. M. Dostoevsky
Views: 1429; Downloads: 69;

72 - 93
D. D. Buchneva
“He Massacred the Article”: How Dostoevsky Edited an Article About Tyutchev in “Grazhdanin” (“Citizen”)
Views: 1351; Downloads: 72;

94 - 106
A. A. Proschenko
F. M. Dostoevsky in the Biased Opinions of the Feuilletonist and Critic V. P. Burenin
Views: 1380; Downloads: 34;

107 - 135
P. E. Fokin
Forgotten Memoirs About F. M. Dostoevsky in the Collection of A. G. Dostoevskaya
Views: 1334; Downloads: 56;

136 - 155
D. E. Kulikova
Centenary of F. M. Dostoevsky's Birth in the Soviet Russian Press
Views: 1452; Downloads: 56;

156 - 182
V. N. Zakharov
Prospects of Digital Dostoevsky
Views: 1504; Downloads: 81;

183 - 192
N. A. Tarasova, I. A. Mbogo, V. V. Zakharkina
New Approaches to the Creative Heritage of F. M. Dostoevsky: Based on the Materials from the Writer
Views: 1403; Downloads: 93;

193 - 248