Editorial board


Vladimir Nikolaevich Zakharov (Petrozavodsk, Moscow, Russian Federation) - Doctor of Philology, Professor of Department of the Russian Literature and Journalism of Petrozavodsk State University, President of the International Dostoevsky Society.

E-mail: vnz01@yandex.ru

ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2709-4145

 Editorial staff

Igor L. Volgin (Moscow, Russian Federation)  Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University and the Literary Institute of Gorky; Vice-President of the International Dostoevsky Society. E-mail: mail@volgin.ru

Horst-Jürgen Gerigk (Heidelberg, Germany) – PhD, Professor of the Russian and Foreign Literature of University of Heidelberg, Honorary president of the International Dostoevsky Society. E-mail: horst-juergen.gerigk@slav.uni-heidelberg.de

Irene Zohrab (New Zealand) – PhD, Honorary Research Associate of University of Victoria (Wellington). E-mail: Irene.Zohrab@vuw.ac.nz

Deborah Martinsen (USA) – PhD, Professor of the Russian and Foreign Literature of University of Heidelberg, Honorary President of the International Dostoevsky Society. E-mail: dm387@columbia.edu

Victor F. Molchanov (Moscow, Russian Federation)  Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Research Department of Manuscripts of the Russian State Library

Boris N. Tikhomirov (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Doctor of Philology, Deputy Director  of the Literary and Memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky in St. Petersburg, the President of the Russian Society of Dostoevsky. E-mail: btikhomirov@rambler.ru

William Mills Todd III (USA) – PhD, Professor of Literature and Comparative Literature at Harvard University. E-mail: todd@fas.harvard.edu


Editorial board

Stefano Aloe (Verona, Italy)  PhD, Associate Professor and Researcher of Russian Literature at the University of Verona, Vice-President of the International Dostoevsky Society. E-mail: stefano.aloe@univr.it

Carol Apollonio (USA) – PhD, Professor of Russian of Duke University, President of North American Society of Dostoevsky. E-mail: flath@duke.edu

Vladimir Viktorovich (Moscow, Russian Federation) – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Moscow State Regional Socio-Humanitarian Institute. E-mail: VA_Viktorovich@mail.ru

Emil Dimitrov (Bulgaria)  PhD, President of the Bulgarian Society of Dostoevsky. E-mail: edimitrov@gbg.bgeivdim@yahoo.com

Katalin Kroó (Hungary) – PhD, Professor of the University ELTE, Budapest; Vice-President of the International Dostoevsky Society. E-mail: krookatalin@freemail.hu

Pavel E. Fokin (Moscow, Russian Federation) – PhD, Head of Department "Museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky" of The V. I. Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature (State Literary Museum). E-mail: pfokin@mail.ru


Irina S. Andrianova –  Head of the editors; PhD, Head of Web-Lab of the Institute of Philology of Petrozavodsk State University. E-mail: yarysheva@yandex.ru

Lyubov V.  Alekseeva – PhD, S of Web-lab of the Institute of Philology of Petrozavodsk State University. E-mail: lempi@mail.ru

Elena N. Vyal – researcher of Web-lab of the Institute of Philology of Petrozavodsk State University. E-mail: muzi37@mail.ru

Oksana A. Sosnovskaya  researcher of  Web-lab of the Institute of Philology of Petrozavodsk State University. E-mail: sosna2679@yandex.ru

 Layot design

Valentina S. Zinkova – editor of Publishing Petrozavodsk State University. E-mail: va65le@mail.ru

Oksana A. Sosnovskaya – researcher of  Web-lab of the Institute of Philology of Petrozavodsk State University. E-mail: sosna2679@yandex.ru



Nikolay I. Sobolev – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Classical Philology, Russian Literature and Journalism of Petrozavodsk State University.  E-mail: sobnick@yandex.ru

Tatiana A. Kirillova – Leading Programmer of a Regional Center of New Information technologies of Petrozavodsk State University. E-mail: kirillova@petrsu.ru

Evgeny V. Golubev – Programmer of a Regional Center of New Information Technologies of Petrozavodsk State University. E-mail: egolubev@petrsu.ru