
1. Viktorovich V. А. Propoved’, skazannaya g. Stenleyem, dekanom Vestminsterskim v angliyskoy tserkvi v S.-Peterburge 6 (18) yanvarya [A Sermon delivered by Mr. Stanley, Dean of Westminster, in the Anglican Church in St. Petersburg, on January 6 (18) ] <Commentary>. Dostoyevsky F. M. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy: v 18 tomakh [Complete Works of F. М. Dostoevsky in 18 vols]. Мoscow, Voskresen’ye Publ., 2004, vol. 11, pp. 746—748.

2. Zokhrab I. Redaktorskaya deyatel'nost' F. M. Dostoevskogo v zhurnale «Grazhdanin» i religiozno-nravstvennyy kontekst «Brat'ev Karamazovykh» (k istorii sozdaniya romana) [F. Dostoevsky’s Publishing Activity in “Grazhdanin” Magazine and a Religious and Moral Context of “The Brothers Karamazov” (To the History of Creation of the Novel)]. Russkaya literatura, 1996, no. 3, pp. 55—77.

3. Propoved’, skazannaya g. Stenleyem, dekanom Vestminsterskim, v angliyskoy tserkvi v S.-Peterburge 6 (18) yanvarya [A Sermon delivered by Mr. Stanley, Dean of Westminster, in the Anglican Church in St. Petersburg on January 6 (18)]. Grazhdanin, 1874, no. 3, pp. 78—81.