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2. Bashkirov D. L. The Dostoevsky Dynasty on the Lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian in the 14th−16th Centuries. In: Filologicheskiye zapiski, 2005, issue 23, pp. 157–177. (In Russ.)

3. Bashkirov D. L. The History of the Dostoevsky Dynasty: New Materials. In: Vestnik Rossiyskogo gumanitarnogo nauchnogo fonda [Bulletin of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation], 2007, no. 4, pp. 151—164. (In Russ.)

4. Bashkirov D. L. The History of the Dostoevsky Dynasty and F. M. Dostoyevsky’s Creative Work. In: Tri veka russkoy literatury: Aktual’nye aspekty izucheniya [Three Centuries of Russian Literature: Topical Aspects of Studying]. Irkutsk, 2008, issue 18, pp. 128—150. (In Russ.)

5. Volotskoy M. V. Khronika roda Dostoevskogo 1506—1933 [The Chronicle of the Dostoevsky Dynasty]. Moscow, Sever Publ., 1933. 442 p. (In Russ.)

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8. Sharakov S. L. The Motif of “Courtly Platonic Love” in the Novel “Idiot”. In: Dostoevskiy i mirovaya kul’tura [Dostoevsky and World Culture]. St. Petersburg, 2017, no. 35, pp. 96—119. (In Russ.)

9. Sharakov S. L. Teofaniya in the Novel “The Brothers Karamazov”. In: Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki [Philological Studies. The Questions of Theory and Practice]. Tambov, 2018, no. 4 (82), part 2, pp. 297—300. (In Russ.)

10. Darashkevich V. Epilog, Comments and Bibliography. In: Nikolay Gusovskiy. Pesnya pro Zubra [Nikolay Gusovsky. A Song About a Bison]. Minsk, 1980. 192 p. (in Belarus.)

11. Khronika roda Dostoevskikh; Igor’ Volgin. Rodnye i blizkie: Istoriko-biograficheskie ocherki [The Chronicle of the Dostoevsky Dynasty; Igor Volgin. Relatives: Historical and Biographical Essays]. Moscow, Fond Dostoevskogo Publ., 2012. 1232 p. (In Russ.)